“It’s like a whole orchestra, the piano for me.” – Dave Brubeck.

To learn the piano is essentially to become a “one person band”! How amazing (and rare) is that?

All musicians can benefit from Basic Piano skills

The piano is a beautiful, powerful instrument and also such a fundamental one with regard to understanding the building blocks of music: notes, intervals, chords, inversions, etc. All musicians can benefit from learning some basic piano fundamentals! And many often choose to deepen their studies when they discover the magic of this instrument.

The Piano is easy to comprehend visually and conceptually

Piano is fantastic because everything is clearly laid out before your eyes with no mystery, trickery or coyness. The piano is not shy – she is an open book! Of keys. (To your soul!)

What you need to know is all right in front of you: white keys interspersed with black keys in an organized pattern, low to high pitches, intervals you can count, keys you can easily press down. It’s all there! The challenge is learning how to make it sound like music. And that is where I can help!

Why take piano lessons with me?

Whether you are a complete beginner or more intermediate/advanced, I can help develop and transform your relationship with the piano! I can:

Simplify and break down difficult musical concepts for you

-Invigorate and liven up your practice routine with creative and fun exercises

-Develop your ears through ear training so that you can better understand what you are hearing and playing (hugely transformative!)

-Introduce you to chords on the piano that sound hip and interesting and show you how to apply these to songs!

-Improve your command over Rhythm so that your piano playing is steady, fluid and rhythmically “in the pocket” (also hugely transformative!)

-Connect you with your inner “voice” in order to express that voice musically using articulation, dynamics, inventiveness, and musical “spices”

-Revise poor technique and promote healthier piano habits

Boost your confidence and motivation through supportive projects!

My Piano Teaching Philosophy:

  • Motivation is Key: I encourage students to learn and play the styles that interest them. I tailor lessons to their personal goals and aspirations.
  • Low Pressure Environment: When you have a lesson with me, I want you to feel comfortable and not under critical scrutiny. I encourage a relaxed and positive atmosphere. We can laugh at our mistakes and not get caught up in our egos. I want you to feel challenged, but not fearful or intimidated.
  • Creativity Cultivates Identity and Self-Esteem: A sense of curiosity, a willingness to experiment, and infusing songs with your own quirky, idiosyncratic “spices” transform the learning process into something more personal, over which you can have ownership.
  • Diversity is Ear-Opening: I believe in exposing students to a variety of piano styles and concepts. Although we all understandably have our own musical preferences and goals, an open ear and mind are essential for the growth of any true student.
  • Structure is Freeing: Playing piano should feel inspiring and fun, but we are able to do more and sound better on our instrument when we approach our practice in an organized, intentional way. Structured practice gives you the tools to play more freely.